GEDI L2A Product Data Dictionary

Dimension Variable Description
MT Number of shots

Group: /
short_name (Attribute) GEDI_L2A ${DESCRIPTION}
Group: /METADATA/DatasetIdentification
abstract (Attribute) The GEDI L2A standard data product contains precise latitude, longitude, elevation, canopy height and surface energy metrics extracted from return waveforms for the various reflecting surfaces located within each laser footprint. ${DESCRIPTION}
characterSet (Attribute) utf8 ${DESCRIPTION}
creationDate (Attribute) File creation date
credit (Attribute) The software that generates the L2A product was designed and implemented within the GEDI Science Data Processing System at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland in collaboration with the LVIS (Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor) Team and the University of Maryland. ${DESCRIPTION}
fileName (Attribute) Original file name
language (Attribute) eng ${DESCRIPTION}
originatorOrganizationName (Attribute) GSFC GEDI-SDPS > GEDI Science Data Processing System and University of Maryland ${DESCRIPTION}
PGEVersion (Attribute) Product generating executive SDPS release ID
purpose (Attribute) The purpose of the L2A dataset is to provide waveform interpretation and extracted products from each GEDI waveform. This includes ground elevation, canopy top height, relative return energy metrics (describing canopy vertical structure, for example), and many other interpreted products from the return waveforms. ${DESCRIPTION}
shortName (Attribute) GEDI_L2A ${DESCRIPTION}
spatialRepresentationType (Attribute) along-track ${DESCRIPTION}
status (Attribute) onGoing ${DESCRIPTION}
topicCategory (Attribute) geoscientificInformation ${DESCRIPTION}
uuid (Attribute) Universally unique identifier (UUID) for this file
VersionID (Attribute) SDPS DAAC release ID
description (Attribute) "Coverage beam" or "Full power beam"
Label Datatype
long_name units
beam UINT16
Beam identifier 0, 12
channel UINT8
Channel identifier 0, 6
degrade_flag UINT8
Non-zero values indicate the shot occured during a degraded period. A non-zero tens digit indicates degraded attitude, a non-zero ones digit indicates a degraded trajectory. 3X=ADF CHU solution unavailable (ST-2); 4X=Platform attitude; 5X=Poor solution (filter covariance large); 6X=Data outage (platform attitude gap also); 7X=ST 1+2 unavailable (similar boresight FOV); 8X=ST 1+2+3 unavailable; 9X=ST 1+2+3 and ISS unavailable; X1=Maneuver; X2=GPS data gap; X3=ST blinding; X4=Other; X5=GPS receiver clock drift; X6=X5+X1; X7=X5+X2; X8=X5+X3; X9=X5+X4. 0, 99
delta_time FLOAT64
delta_time seconds since 2018-01-01
Transmit time of the shot, measured in seconds from the master_time_epoch. By adding the offset contained within /BEAMXXXX/ancillary/master_time_epoch to delta_time, the time in GPS seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed. Equivalent to /BEAMXXXX/master_int+/BEAMXXXX/master_frac.
digital_elevation_model FLOAT32
digital_elevation_model m
TanDEM-X elevation at GEDI footprint location
digital_elevation_model_srtm FLOAT32
digital_elevation_model_srtm m
SRTM elevation at GEDI footprint location
elev_highestreturn FLOAT32
elev_highestreturn m
elevation of highest detected return relative to reference ellipsoid -1000, 25000 delta_time lat_highestreturn lon_highestreturn
elev_lowestmode FLOAT32
elev_lowestmode m
elevation of center of lowest mode relative to reference ellipsoid -1000, 25000 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
elevation_bias_flag UINT8
elevation_bias_flag -
Elevations potentially affected by 4bin (~60cm) ranging error 0, 1 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
elevation_bin0_error FLOAT32
elevation_bin0_error m
Error in elevation of bin 0 -1000, 25000 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
energy_total FLOAT32
energy_total counts
Integrated counts in the return waveform relative to the mean noise level -5000, 5000000 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
lat_highestreturn FLOAT64
lat_highestreturn degrees
Latitude of highest detected return -55, 55 delta_time lon_highestreturn
lat_lowestmode FLOAT64
lat_lowestmode degrees
Latitude of center of lowest mode -55, 55 delta_time lon_lowestmode
latitude_bin0_error FLOAT32
latitude_bin0_error degrees
Error in latitude of bin 0 delta_timelongitude_bin0 latitude_bin0 longitude_bin0_error
lon_highestreturn FLOAT64
lon_highestreturn degrees
Longitude of highest detected return -180, 180 delta_time lat_highestreturn
lon_lowestmode FLOAT64
lon_lowestmode degrees
Longitude of center of lowest mode -180, 180 delta_time lat_lowestmode
longitude_bin0_error FLOAT32
Error in longitude of bin 0 degrees
Error on longitude_bin0. delta_time latitude_bin0 longitude_bin0 latitude_bin0_error
master_frac FLOAT64
master_frac s
Master time, fractional part. master_int+master_frac is equivalent to /BEAMXXXX/geolocation/delta_time and /BEAMXXXX/geophys_corr/delta_time.
master_int UINT32
master_int s
Master time, integer part. Seconds since master_time_epoch. master_int+master_frac is equivalent to /BEAMXXXX/geolocation/delta_time and /BEAMXXXX/geophys_corr/delta_time.
mean_sea_surface FLOAT32
mean_sea_surface m
Mean sea surface height above the WGS84 ellipsoid, includes the geoid. Interpolated at latitude_bin0 and longitude_bin0 from DTU15. delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
num_detectedmodes UINT8
num_detectedmodes -
Number of detected modes in rxwaveform 0, rx_max_mode_count delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
quality_flag UINT8
quality_flag -
Flag simpilfying selection of most useful data 0, 1 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
rh FLOAT32
rh m
Relative height metrics at 1 % interval -213, 213 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
selected_algorithm UINT8
selected_algorithm -
ID of algorithm selected as identifying the lowest non-noise mode 1, 6 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
selected_mode UINT8
selected_mode -
ID of mode selected as lowest non-noise mode 0, 20 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
sensitivity FLOAT32
sensitivity -
Maxmimum canopy cover that can be penetrated considering the SNR of the waveform 0, 1 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
shot_number UINT64
Shot number delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
solar_azimuth FLOAT32
Solar azimuth delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
solar_elevation FLOAT32
Solar elevation delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
surface_flag UINT8
surface_flag -
Indicates elev_lowestmode is within 300m of DEM or MSS 0, 1 delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
Group: /BEAMXXXX/ancillary
Label Datatype
long_name units
l2a_alg_count UINT8
l2 alg count
Number of L2A algorithm runs present in file 0, 10
Group: /BEAMXXXX/geolocation
Label Datatype
long_name units
elev_highestreturn_aN FLOAT32
elev_highestreturn_aN m
Elevation of the highest return detected using algorithm N, relative to reference ellipsoid -1000, 25000 ../delta_time lat_highestreturn_aN lon_highestreturn_aN
elev_lowestmode_aN FLOAT32
elev_lowestmode_aN m
Elevation of the center of the lowest mode detected using algorithm N,relative to reference ellipsoid -1000, 25000 ../delta_time lat_lowestmode_aN lon_lowestmode_aN
elev_lowestreturn_aN FLOAT32
elev_lowestreturn_aN m
Elevation of lowest return detected using algorithm N,relative to reference ellipsoid -1000, 25000 ../delta_time lat_lowestreturn_aN lon_lowestreturn_aN
elevation_1gfit FLOAT32
elevation_gaussfit_aN m
Elevation corresponding to the center of a single gaussian fit to the waveform, relative to reference ellipsoid -1000, 25000 ../delta_time latitude_1gfit longitude_1gfit
elevs_allmodes_aN FLOAT32
elevs_allmodes_aN m
Elevations of all modes detected using algorithm N, relative to reference ellipsoid -1000, 25000 ../delta_time lats_allmodes_aN lons_allmodes_aN
energy_lowestmode_aN FLOAT32
energy_lowestmode_aN counts
Energy of lowest mode, detected using algorithm N, in the waveform above the mean noise level -5000, 5000000 ../delta_time lat_lowestmode_aN lon_lowestmode_aN
lat_highestreturn_aN FLOAT64
lat_highestreturn_aN degrees
Latitude of the highest return detected using algorithm N -55, 55 ../delta_time lon_highestreturn_aN
lat_lowestmode_aN FLOAT64
lat_lowestmode_aN degrees
Latitude of the center of the lowest mode detected using algorithm N -55, 55 ../delta_time lon_lowestmode_aN
lat_lowestreturn_aN FLOAT64
lat_lowestreturn__aN degrees
Latitude of the lowest return detected using algorithm N -55, 55 ../delta_time lon_lowestreturn_aN
latitude_1gfit FLOAT64
latitude_gaussfit_aN degrees
Latitude corresponding to the center of a single gaussian fit to the waveform -55, 55 ../delta_time longitude_1gfit_aN
lats_allmodes_aN FLOAT64
lats_allmodes_aN degrees
Latitudes of all modes detected using algorithm N -55, 55 ../delta_time lons_allmodes_aN
lon_highestreturn_aN FLOAT64
lon_highestreturn_aN degrees
Longitude of the highest return detected using algorithm N -180, 180 ../delta_time lat_highestreturn_aN
lon_lowestmode_aN FLOAT64
lon_lowestmode_aN degrees
Longitude of the center of lowest mode detected using algorithm N -180, 180 ../delta_time lat_lowestmode_aN
lon_lowestreturn_aN FLOAT64
lon_lowestreturn_aN degrees
Longitude of lowest return detected using algorithmN -180, 180 ../delta_time lat_lowestreturn_aN
longitude_1gfit FLOAT64
longitude_gaussfit_aN degrees
Longitude corresponding to the center of a single gaussian fit to the waveform -180, 180 ../delta_time latitude_1gfit
lons_allmodes_aN FLOAT64
lons_allmodes_aN degrees
Longitudes of all modes detected using algorithmN -180, 180 ../delta_time lats_allmodes_aN
num_detectedmodes_aN UINT8
num_detectedmodes_aN -
Number of detected modes detected using algorithm N 0, rx_max_mode_count ../delta_time lat_lowestmode_aN lon_lowestmode_aN
quality_flag_aN UINT8
quality_flag_aN -
Flag simpilfying selection of most useful data 0, 1 ../delta_time lat_lowestmode_aN lon_lowestmode_aN
rh_aN INT16
rh_aN cm
Relative height metrics at 1 % intervals using algorithm N (in cm) -213, 213 ../delta_time lat_lowestmode_aN lon_lowestmode_aN
sensitivity_aN FLOAT32
sensitivity_aN -
Maxmimum canopy cover, using algorithmN, that can be penetrated considering the SNR of the waveform 0, 1 ../delta_time lat_lowestmode_aN lon_lowestmode_aN
shot_number UINT64
Shot number delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
stale_return_flag UINT8
stale_return_flag -
Flag from digitizer indicating the real-time pulse detection algorithm did not detect a return signal above its detection threshold within the entire 10 km search window. The pulse location of the previous shot was used to select the telemetered waveform. 0, 1 ../delta_time lat_lowestmode_aN lon_lowestmode_aN
Group: /BEAMXXXX/land_cover_data
Label Datatype
long_name units
landsat_treecover FLOAT64
Landsat tree canopy cover percent
Derived from treecover2010_v3 geotiff tiles
Tree cover in the year 2010, defined as canopy closure for all vegetation taller than 5m in height (Hansen et al.). Encoded as a percentage per output grid cell. ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode -9999.0
landsat_water_persistence UINT8
Landsat water persistence -
The percent UMD GLAD Landsat observations with classified surface water between 2018 and 2019. Values > 80 usually represent permanent water, while values < 10 represent permanent land. ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode 0, 100
leaf_off_flag UINT8
Leaf off flag -
GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid flag derived from leaf_off_doy, leaf_on_doy and pft_class, indicating if the observation was recorded during leaf-off conditions in deciduous forests and woodlands. 1 = leaf-off and 0 = leaf-on. ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode 0, 1
leaf_off_doy INT16
Leaf off day of year -
GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid leaf-off start day-of-year derived from the NPP VIIRS Global Land Surface Phenology Product. ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode 1, 365 32767
leaf_on_doy INT16
Leaf on day of year -
GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid leaf-on start day-of-year derived from the NPP VIIRS Global Land Surface Phenology Product. ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode 1, 365 32767
leaf_on_cycle UINT8
Leaf on cycle -
Flag that indicates the vegetation growing cycle for leaf-on observations. Values are 0 (leaf-off conditions), 1 (cycle 1) or 2 (cycle 2). ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode 1, 2 255
modis_nonvegetated FLOAT64
MODIS non-vegetated percent
Derived from MODIS geotiff tiles
Percent non-vegetated from MODIS data. Interpolated at latitude_bin0 and longitude_bin0. doi:10.5067/MODIS/MOD44B.006 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode -9999.0
modis_nonvegetated_sd FLOAT64
MODIS non-vegetated standard deviation percent
Derived from MODIS geotiff tiles
Percent non-vegetated standard deviation from MODIS data. Interpolated at latitude_bin0 and longitude_bin0. doi:10.5067/MODIS/MOD44B.006 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode -9999.0
modis_treecover FLOAT64
MODIS tree cover percent
Derived from MODIS geotiff tiles
Percent tree cover from MODIS data. Interpolated at latitude_bin0 and longitude_bin0. doi:10.5067/MODIS/MOD44B.006 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode -9999.0
modis_treecover_sd FLOAT64
MODIS tree cover standard deviation percent
Derived from MODIS geotiff tiles
Percent tree cover standard deviation from MODIS data. Interpolated at latitude_bin0 and longitude_bin0. doi:10.5067/MODIS/MOD44B.006 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode -9999.0
pft_class UINT8
Plant functional type class -
GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid Plant Functional Type (PFT) derived from the MODIS MCD12Q1v006 Product. Values follow the Land Cover Type 5 Classification scheme. ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode 0, 11
region_class UINT8
Region class -
GEDI 1 km EASE 2.0 grid world continental regions (0: Water, 1: Europe, 2: North Asia, 5: South Asia, 3: Australasia, 4: Africa, 6: South America, 7: North America). ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode 0, 7
urban_focal_window_size UINT8
Urban focal window size -
The focal window size used to calculate urban_proportion. Values are 3 (3x3 pixel window size) or 5 (5x5 pixel window size). ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode 3, 5
urban_proportion UINT8
Urban proportion -
The percentage proportion of land area within a focal area surrounding each shot that is urban land cover. Urban land cover is derived from the DLR 12 m resolution TanDEM-X Global Urban Footprint Product. ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode 0, 100
Group: /BEAMXXXX/rx_1gaussfit
wp-gaussian-fit_version (Attribute) Version number of the wp-gaussian-fit software used to create the L2A file
wp-gaussian-fit_githash (Attribute) Git commit hash of the wp-gaussian-fit software used to create the L2A file
Label Datatype
long_name units
rx_gamplitude FLOAT32
rx_gampltiude counts
Amplitude of single gaussian fit to the rxwaveform 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_gamplitude_error FLOAT32
rx_gamplitude_error counts
Error in ampltiude estimate for single gaussian fit to the rxwaveform 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_gbias FLOAT32
rx_gbias counts
Bias estimated in fitting a single gaussian to the rxwaveform 0, 350 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_gbias_error FLOAT32
rx_gbias_error counts
Error on rx_gbias parameter estimate 0, 350 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_gchisq FLOAT32
rx_gchisq -
Chi-squared value of gaussian fit to the rxwaveform 0, 10000 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_gflag UINT8
rx_gflag -
Gaussian fit status flag. 1=convergence in chi2 value, 2=convergence in parameter value, 3=convergence in chi2 and parameter values, 4=convergence in orthogonality, 5=maximum number of iterations reached, 6=ftol too small (no further improvement), 7=xtol too small (no further improvement), 8=gtol too small (no further improvement). 0, 9 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_giters UINT16
rx_giters -
Number of iterations to converge Gaussian fit to rxwaveform. 1, 100 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_gloc FLOAT32
rx_gloc ns
Location (mean) of the Gaussian fit to the rxwaveform. 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_gloc_error FLOAT32
rx_gloc_error ns
Error on rx_gloc parameter estimate 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_gwidth FLOAT32
rx_gwidth ns
Width (1 sigma) of the gaussian fit to the rxwaveform 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_gwidth_error FLOAT32
rx_gwidth_error ns
Error on rx_gwidth parameter estimate 0, 300 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
Group: /BEAMXXXX/rx_1gaussfit/ancillary
Label Datatype
long_name units
mpfit_max_func_evals INT64
Maximum number of function evalutions allowed for fitting the Gaussian/extended Gaussian to the rxwaveform. 0, 100
mpfit_maxiters INT64
Maximum number of iterations allowed for fitting the Gaussian/extended Gaussian to the rxwaveform 0, 100
mpfit_tolerance FLOAT64
Convergence tolerance when fitting the Gaussian/extended Gaussian to the rxwaveform. 0, 1
rx_constraint_gamplitude_lower FLOAT64
Lower allowable limit for the rx Gaussian fit amplitude 0, 4096
rx_constraint_gamplitude_upper FLOAT64
Upper allowable limit for the rx Gaussian fit amplitude 0, 4096
rx_constraint_gloc_lower FLOAT64
Lower allowable limit for the rx Gaussian fit location 0, 1420
rx_constraint_gloc_upper FLOAT64
Upper allowable limit for the rx Gaussian fit location 0, 1420
rx_constraint_gwidth_lower FLOAT64
Lower allowable limit for the rx Gaussian fit width. 0, 1000
rx_constraint_gwidth_upper FLOAT64
Upper allowable limit for the rx Gaussian fit width. 0, 1000
rx_estimate_bias INT32
If set to 1, a bias was estimated as part of the Gaussian fit. Set to 0 otherwise. 0, 1
rx_mean_noise_level FLOAT64
If amplitude is less than this value, no gaussian fitting is performed to the rxwaveform. 0, 350
rx_smoothwidth FLOAT64
Smoothing width to apply to waveforms before Gaussian fitting. 0, 50
Group: /BEAMXXXX/rx_assess
wp-l2-assess_version (Attribute) Version number of the wp-l2-assess software used to create the L2A file
wp-l2-assess_githash (Attribute) Git commit hash of the wp-l2-assess software used to create the L2A file
Label Datatype
long_name units
mean FLOAT32
meannoise counts
Mean noise estimate used in rx waveform interpretation algorithm 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
mean_64kadjusted FLOAT32
mean_64kadjusted counts
Average amplitude within 10km search window with energy from rxwaveform removed 0, 1000000 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
ocean_calibration_shot_flag UINT8
ocean_calibration_shot_flag -
Flag indicating return suitablefor use in sensor parameter estimation? 0, 1 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
quality_flag UINT8
Quality flag -
Flag indicating likely invalid waveform (1=valid, 0=invalid) 0, 1 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_assess_flag UINT16
rx_assess_flag -
Flags indicating various error conditions possible in rxwaveform 0, 1 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_clipbin0 UINT16
rx_clipbin0 bins
location of first waveform sample exceeding clip amplitude 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_clipbin_count UINT16
rx_clipbincount bins
number of consecutive waveform samples affected by clipping 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_energy FLOAT32
rx_energy counts
total energy of rxwaveform, mean noise removed -1000, 1000000 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_maxamp FLOAT32
rx_maxamp counts
maximum amplitude of rxwaveform relative to mean noise level ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
rx_maxpeakloc UINT16
rx_maxpeakloc counts
Waveform sample where maximum amplitude of waveform occurs 1, 1420 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
sd_corrected FLOAT32
sd_corrected counts
noise standard deviation, corrected for odd/even digitizer bin errors based on pre-launch calibrations 0, 20 ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
shot_number UINT64
Shot number ../delta_time ../lat_lowestmode ../lon_lowestmode
Group: /BEAMXXXX/rx_assess/ancillary
Label Datatype
long_name units
rx_ampbounds_ll FLOAT64
rx_ampbounds_ll counts
Lower limit used for pulse amplitude flag 0, 4096
rx_ampbounds_ul FLOAT64
rx_ampbounds_ul counts
Upper limit used for pulse amplitude flag 0, 4096
rx_clipamp FLOAT64
rx_clipamp counts
Ampltiude above which clipping may occur 0, 4096
rx_pulsethresh FLOAT64
rx_pulsethreshold counts
Amplitude used to flag low amplitude return waveforms 0, 4096
rx_ringthresh FLOAT64
rx_ringthresh counts
Multipler on noise stddev to detect presence of ringing below the mean in the pulse 0, 4096
smoothing_width_locs FLOAT64
smoothing_width_locs ns
Used in debugging only 0, 1420
Group: /BEAMXXXX/rx_processing_aN
wp-l2-rxwave_version (Attribute) Version number of the wp-l2-rxwave software used to create the L2A file
wp-l2-rxwave_githash (Attribute) Git commit hash of the wp-l2-rxwave software used to create the L2A file
Label Datatype
long_name units
back_threshold FLOAT32
back_threshold counts
threshold used to detect lowest elevation return energy 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
botloc FLOAT32
botloc counts
waveform sample location of lowest detected return energy relative to bin0 of waveform 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
botloc_amp FLOAT32
botloc_amp counts
amplitude at lowest detected energy return 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
energy_sm FLOAT32
energy_sm counts
total energy of smoothed waveform -1000, 100000 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
front_threshold FLOAT32
front_threshold counts
threshold used to detect highest elevation return energy 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
lastmodeenergy FLOAT32
lastmodeenergy counts
energy in lowest detected mode -1000, 100000 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
mean FLOAT32
mean counts
mean noise level used in algorithm 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
mean_sm FLOAT32
mean_sm counts
mean noise level after smoothing 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
min_detection_energy FLOAT32
min_detection_energy counts
integrated area of the computed minimally-detectable gaussian -1000, 100000 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
min_detection_threshold FLOAT32
min_detection_threshold counts
detection threshold used to compute the minimally detected gaussian 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
peak FLOAT32
peak counts
peak amplitude of raw waveform -100, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
pk_sm FLOAT32
pk_sm counts
peak ampltiude of smoothed waveform -100, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_algrunflag UINT8
rx_algrunflag -
Flag indicating signal was detected and algorithm ran successfully 0, 1 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_cumulative FLOAT32
rx_cumulative ns
Waveform bin numbers of integer percents of integrated energy from cumulative waveform (botloc (0%) to toploc (100%)) 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_iwaveamps FLOAT32
rx_iwaveamps counts
Fraction of integrated waveform at location of each detected mode 0, 1 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_modeamps FLOAT32
rx_modeamps counts
Amplitudes of each detected mode within waveform -100, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_modeenergytobotloc FLOAT32
rx_modeenergytobotloc counts
Total energy from the center of each detected waveform mode to botloc -1000, 1000000 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_modelocalenergy FLOAT32
rx_modelocalenergy counts
Energy between +- 8 samples of each detected mode, mean noise level removed -1000, 1000000 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_modelocalenergyabovemean FLOAT32
rx_modelocalenergyabovemean counts
Energy between +- 8 samples of each detected mode -1000, 1000000 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_modelocalslope FLOAT32
rx_modelocalslope counts
Signal trend within +- 8 samples of each detected mode -100, 100 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_modelocs FLOAT32
rx_modelocs ns
Sample numbers of each detected mode (relative to bin 0 of waveform) 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_modewidths FLOAT32
rx_modewidths ns
1 sigma width estimates of each detected mode in waveform 0, 700 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
rx_nummodes UINT8
rx_nummodes ns
Number of modes detected in waveform 0, rx_max_mode_count ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
sd_sm FLOAT32
sd_sm counts
Noise standard deviation of the smoothed waveform 0, 100 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
search_end FLOAT32
search_end ns
Sample number indicating end of signal search 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
search_start FLOAT32
search_start ns
Sample number indicating start of signal search 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
selected_mode UINT8
selected_mode -
ID of mode selected as lowest non-noise mode 0, rx_max_mode_count ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
selected_mode_flag UINT8
selected_mode_flag -
Flag indicating status of selected_mode 0, 4 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
shot_number UINT64
Shot number delta_time lat_lowestmode lon_lowestmode
smoothwidth FLOAT32
smoothwidth ns
width of gaussian function used to smooth noise sections of waveforms 0, 20 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
smoothwidth_zcross FLOAT32
smoothwidth_zcross ns
width of gaussian function used to smooth waveform between botloc and toploc 0, 20 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
stddev FLOAT32
stddev countd
noise standdard deviation used in algorithm 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
toploc FLOAT32
toploc counts
Sample number of highest detected return 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
toploc_miss UINT8
toploc_miss -
Flag indicating algorithm didn't detect valid toploc value 0, 1 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
zcross FLOAT32
zcross ns
Sample number of center of lowest mode above noise level 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
zcross0 FLOAT32
zcross0 ns
location of center of highest mode above noise level relative to bin0 of waveform 0, 1420 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
zcross_amp FLOAT32
zcross_amp counts
amplitude of smoothed waveform at lowest detected mode 0, 4096 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
zcross_localenergy FLOAT32
zcross_localenergy counts
energy of last mode above local slope -100, 10000 ../delta_time ../geolocation/lat_lowestmode_aN ../geolocation/lon_lowestmode_aN
Group: /BEAMXXXX/rx_processing_aN/ancillary
Label Datatype
long_name units
amp_thresh FLOAT64
amp_thresh counts
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 4096
ampval_limit2 FLOAT64
amval_limit2 counts
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 4096
ampval_limit3 FLOAT64
ampval_limit3 counts
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 4096
botlocdist_limit1 FLOAT64
botlocdist_limit1 ns
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 50
botlocdist_limit2 FLOAT64
botlocdist_limit2 ns
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 50
botlocdist_limit3 FLOAT64
botlocdist_limit3 ns
Final ground return pulse selection parameter
cumulative_energy_minimum FLOAT64
cumulative_energy_minimum counts
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 1
cumulative_energy_thresh FLOAT64
cumulative_energy_thresh counts
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 1
enable_select_mode INT32
enable_select_mode -
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 1
energy_thresh FLOAT64
energy_thresh counts
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 1000
preprocessor_threshold FLOAT64
preprocessor threshold -
Initial search threshold multiplier to detect signal start and end 0, 100
pulse_sep_thresh FLOAT64
pulse_sep_thresh ns
Final ground return pulse selection parameter 0, 100
rx_back_threshold FLOAT64
rx_back_threshold -
If use_fixed_threshold=0, this is the noise stddev multiplier used to detect the lowest elevation signal. If use_fixed_threshold is non_zero, use the value as the threshold 0, 100
rx_front_threshold FLOAT64
rx_front_threshold -
If use_fixed_threshold=0, this is the noise stddev multiplier used to detect the highest elevation signal. If use_fixed_threshold is non_zero, use the value as the threshold 0, 100
rx_max_mode_count INT64
rx_max_mode_count -
Maximum number of modes saved for each footprint 0, 40
rx_searchsize FLOAT64
rx_searchsize ns
In combination with preprocessor_threshold, used to define area of waveform to be searched by algorithm 0, 500
rx_sentinel_location FLOAT64
rx_sentinel_location ns
location of sentinel pulse used by sensitivity algorithm 0, 300
rx_smoothing_width_locs FLOAT64
rx_smoothing_width_locs ns
Width of guassian pulse convolved with waveform to reduce noise prior to toploc/botloc identification 0, 30
rx_smoothing_width_zcross FLOAT64
rx_smoothing_width_zcross ns
Width of guassian pulse convolved with waveform to reduce noise prior to pulse mode identification 0, 30
rx_subbin_resolution INT64
rx_subbin_res -
Factor of increased vertical resolution relative to native waveform resolution (~0.15 m). 0, 10
rx_use_fixed_thresholds INT32
rx_use_fixed_thresholds -
If =0, then use values in Front_Threshold and Back_Threshold as the noise stddev multipliers used to detect the highest and lowest elevation returns. If use_fixed_threshold is non_zero, use the value in Front_Threshold and Back_Threshold as the threshold value (not as a multiplier for stddev). 0, 1