GLanCE30 v001

Global Land Cover Mapping and Estimation Yearly 30 m

PI: Mark Friedl, Curtis Woodcock, Pontus Olofsson, Thomas Loveland, and Zhe Zhu


NASA’s Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) Global Land Cover Mapping and Estimation (GLanCE) annual 30 meter (m) Version 1 data product provides global land cover and land cover change data derived from Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM), Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI). These maps provide the user community with land cover type, land cover change, metrics characterizing the magnitude and seasonality of greenness of each pixel, and the magnitude of change. GLanCE data products will be provided using a set of seven continental grids that use Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projections parameterized to minimize distortion for each continent. Currently, the North American and European continents are available. This dataset is useful for a wide range of applications, including ecosystem, climate, and hydrologic modeling; monitoring the response of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change; carbon accounting; and land management.

The GLanCE data product provides seven layers: the land cover class, the estimated day of year of change, integer identifier for class in previous year, median and amplitude of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2) in the year, rate of change in EVI2, and the change in EVI2 median from previous year to current year. A low-resolution browse image representing EVI2 amplitude is also available for each granule.

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Collection and Granule


Characteristic Description
CollectionMEaSUREs GLanCE
File Size~250 MB
Temporal ResolutionYearly
Temporal Extent2001-07-01 to 2019-07-01
Spatial ExtentGlobal
Coordinate SystemLambert Azimuthal Equal Area
DatumWorld Geodetic System (WGS84)
File FormatGeoTIFF
Geographic DimensionsGlobal


Characteristic Description
Number of Science Dataset (SDS) Layers7
Columns/Rows5000 x 5000
Pixel Size30 m

Layers / Variables

SDS Name Description Units Data Type Fill Value No Data Value Valid Range Scale Factor
LC Integer identifier for class in the current year Class 8-bit unsigned integer 255 N/A 1 to 7 N/A
ChgDate Estimated day of year of change; N/A if no change Day 16-bit unsigned integer 32767 N/A 1 to 365 N/A
PrevClass Integer identifier for class in previous year, if change has occurred; N/A if no change Class 8-bit unsigned integer 255 N/A 1 to 7 N/A
EVI2med Median EVI2 in the current year N/A 16-bit signed integer 32767 N/A -10000 to 10000 0.0001
EVIamp Amplitude of EVI2 in the current year N/A 16-bit unsigned integer 32767 N/A 0 to 20000 0.0001
EVI2rate Rate of change in EVI2 N/A 16-bit signed integer 32767 N/A -20000 to 20000 0.0001
EVI2chg Change in EVI2 median from previous year to current year; N/A if no change in land cover N/A 16-bit signed integer 32767 N/A -20000 to 20000 0.0001

Land Cover (LC) Class Table

QA Value QA Name Description
1 Water Areas covered with water throughout the year: streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs, and oceans.
2 Ice/Snow Land areas where snow and ice cover is greater than 50% throughout the year.
3 Developed Areas of intensive use; land covered with structures, including any land functionally related to developed/built-up activity.
4 Barren/Sparsely Vegetated Land consists of natural occurrences of soils, sand, or rocks where less than 10% of the area is vegetated.
5 Tree Cover Land where the tree cover is greater than 30%. Note that cleared trees (i.e., clear-cuts) are mapped according to current cover (e.g., barren/sparsely vegetated, shrubs, or grasses).
6 Shrublands Land with less than 30% tree cover, where total vegetation cover exceeds 10% and shrub cover is greater than 10%.
7 Herbaceous Land covered by herbaceous cover. Total vegetation cover exceeds 10%, tree cover is less than 30%, and shrubs comprise less than 10% of the area.

Product Quality

Quality information for the GLanCE product can be found on the GLanCE website.

Known Issues

• Version 1.0 of the data set does not include Quality Assurance, Leaf Type or Leaf Phenology. These layers are populated with fill values. These layers will be included in future releases of the data product.

• Science Data Set (SDS) values may be missing, or of lower quality, at years when land cover change occurs. This issue is a by-product of the fact that Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) does not fit models or provide synthetic reflectance values during short periods of time between time segments.

• The accuracy of mapping results varies by land cover class and geography. Specifically, distinguishing between shrubs and herbaceous cover is challenging at high latitudes and in arid and semi-arid regions. Hence, the accuracy of shrub cover, herbaceous cover, and to some degree bare cover, is lower than for other classes.

• Due to the combined effects of large solar zenith angles, short growing seasons, lower availability of high-resolution imagery to support training data, the representation of land cover at land high latitudes in the GLanCE product is lower than in mid latitudes.

• Shadows and large variation in local zenith angles decrease the accuracy of the GLanCE product in regions with complex topography, especially at high latitudes.

• Mapping results may include artifacts from variation in data density in overlap zones between Landsat scenes relative to mapping results in non-overlap zones.

• Regions with low observation density due to cloud cover, especially in the tropics, and/or poor data density (e.g. Alaska, Siberia, West Africa) have lower map quality.

• Artifacts from the Landsat 7 Scan Line Corrector failure are occasionally evident in the GLanCE map product.

• High proportions of missing data in regions with snow and ice at high elevations result in missing data in the GLanCE SDSs.

• The GlanCE data product tends to modestly overpredict developed land cover in arid regions.

About the image

GLanCE EVIamp image, acquired over Montrose, Colorado on July 1, 2004.

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DOI: 10.5067/MEaSUREs/GLanCE/GLanCE30.001