OPERA Land Surface Disturbance Alert from Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 product (Version 1)

PI: Observational Products for End-Users from Remote Sensing Analysis (OPERA), Development Organization: University of Maryland (UMD) – Dr. Matt Hansen


The Observational Products for End-Users from Remote Sensing Analysis (OPERA) Land Surface Disturbance Alert from Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) product Version 1 maps vegetation disturbance alerts that are derived from data collected by Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI). A vegetation disturbance alert is detected at 30 meter (m) spatial resolution when there is an indicated decrease in vegetation cover within an HLS pixel. The Level-3 data product also provides additional information about more general disturbance trends and auxiliary generic disturbance information as determined from the variations of the reflectance through the HLS scenes. HLS data represent the highest temporal frequency data available at medium spatial resolution. The combined observations will provide greater sensitivity to land changes, whether of large magnitude/short duration or small magnitude/long duration.

The OPERA_L3_DIST-ALERT-HLS (or DIST-ALERT) data product is provided in Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format, and each layer is distributed as a separate file. There are 19 layers contained within the DIST-ALERT product. The layers for both vegetation and generic disturbance include disturbance status, loss or anomaly, maximum loss anomaly, disturbance confidence layer, date of disturbance, count of observations with loss anomalies, days of ongoing anomalies, and day of last disturbance detection. Additional layers are vegetation cover percent, historical percent vegetation cover, and data mask. See the Product Specification Document (PSD) for a more detailed description of the individual layers provided in the DIST-ALERT product.

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Collection and Granule


Characteristic Description
CollectionSNWG OPERA Disturbance
File Size~17 MB
Temporal ResolutionMulti-Day
Temporal Extent2022-01-01 to Present
Spatial ExtentGlobal (Non-Antarctic)
Coordinate SystemUniversal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
DatumWorld Geodetic System (WGS84)
File FormatCloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG)
Geographic Dimensions109.8 km x 109.8 km


Characteristic Description
Number of Science Dataset (SDS) Layers19
Columns/Rows3660 x 3660
Pixel Size30 m

Layers / Variables

SDS Name Description Units Data Type Fill Value No Data Value Valid Range Scale Factor
VEG-DIST-STATUS¹ Vegetation disturbance status Class Flag 8-bit unsigned integer N/A 255 0 to 8 N/A
VEG-IND Current vegetation cover indicator Percent 8-bit unsigned integer N/A 255 0 to 100 N/A
VEG-ANOM Current vegetation anomaly value Percent 8-bit unsigned integer N/A 255 0 to 100 N/A
VEG-HIST Historical vegetation cover indicator Percent 8-bit unsigned integer N/A 255 0 to 100; 200=No disturbance N/A
VEG-ANOM-MAX Max vegetation anomaly value Percent 8-bit unsigned integer N/A 255 0 to 100 N/A
VEG-DIST-CONF Vegetation Disturbance Confidence Layer N/A 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 0=No disturbance; >0=Disturbance confidence N/A
VEG-DIST-DATE Date of initial vegetation disturbance Day 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 0=No vegetation anomalies in the last year; >0=Day of initial anomaly detection in the last year N/A
VEG-DIST-COUNT Number of detected vegetation loss anomalies N/A 8-bit unsigned integer N/A 255 0=No disturbance; 1 to 254=Count of loss anomalies N/A
VEG-DIST-DUR Vegetation disturbance duration Day 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 0=No disturbance; 1 to 366=Number of days from first anomaly to most recent anomaly detection N/A
VEG-LAST-DATE Date of last observation assessed for vegetation disturbance Day 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 ≥1=Last day assessed N/A
GEN-DIST-STATUS² Generic disturbance status Class Flag 8-bit unsigned integer N/A 255 0 to 8 N/A
GEN-ANOM Current generic disturbance anomaly value N/A 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 0=No disturbance; >0= Spectral distance N/A
GEN-ANOM-MAX Generic disturbance maximum anomaly value N/A 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 0=No disturbance; >0= Spectral distance N/A
GEN-DIST-CONF Generic Disturbance Confidence Layer N/A 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 0=No disturbance; >0=Disturbance  confidence N/A
GEN-DIST-DATE Date of initial generic disturbance Day 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 0: No spectral anomalies in the last year>0: Day of initial anomaly detection in the last year N/A
GEN-DIST-COUNT Number of detected spectral anomalies N/A 8-bit unsigned integer N/A 255 0=No disturbance; 1 to 254=Count of loss anomalies N/A
GEN-DIST-DUR Generic disturbance duration Day 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 0=No disturbance; 1 to 366=Number of days from first anomaly to most recent anomaly detection N/A
GEN-LAST-DATE Date of last observation assessed for generic disturbance Day 16-bit signed integer N/A -1 ≥1=Last day assessed N/A
DATA-MASK Mask of pixels the algorithms are applied to in the current HLS scene N/A 8-bit unsigned integer N/A N/A 0=Not land;1=Land; 2=Water N/A

¹Indication of Vegetation Disturbance

Value Description
0 No disturbance
1 First <50%
2 Provisional <50%
3 Confirmed <50%
4 First ≥50%
5 Provisional ≥50%
6 Confirmed ≥50%
7 Confirmed <50% finished
8 Confirmed ≥50% finished
255 No data

“Provisional” is used from the first detection until vegetation disturbance/generic spectral differences are detected for a consecutive number of HLS scenes, when it is then labeled “confirmed.” If a “provisional” disturbance does not have repeated detections, it is removed. These labels are reported for both above and below the 50% disturbance threshold.

²Indication of Generic Spectral Difference

Value Description
0 No disturbance
1 First low
2 Provisional low
3 Confirmed low
4 First high
5 Provisional high
6 Confirmed high
7 Confirmed low, finished
8 Confirmed high, finished
255 No data

For more information about raster layers see Table 4-1 in the PSD.

Known Issues

Additional usage constraints are provided under Section 5 of the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD).

About the image

Vegetation disturbance status data from the OPERA Land Surface Disturbance Alert from Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 product over California, United States, on September 18, 2023.

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Product Specification Document (PSD)
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)

Using the Data

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